Wednesday, September 19, 2012



    Pan was the God of panic. At night in the woods it was supposedly him who put terror into the hearts of wandering men when he was feeling mischievous. He was known for being flirtatious and playful. Often, you would see him dancing with the wood nymphs or trying to pursue one of them but he was always rejected because they thought he was ugly. There are various versions of who Pan was born by. Some say his parents were Zeus, Apollo or Penelope but the most common one is that his father was Hermes and mother a nymph. Pan's appearance was described as a man with horns, goat legs and a thick beard.  He was an excellent musician and was known for playing the pipes. Syrinx who ran from him would turn into reeds which is what he used to make his famous pan-pipes.


  1. Pan is one of my favorite lesser Gods. I love that he didn't think that because he was half goat that he was weird or needed to be full God to be beautiful and chose to be goat by the end of it.

  2. I know Pan would scare the heck out me! :)
    I enjoy the way you give an easy summary of the lesser gods. I find it entertaining and interesting. Thank you!
