Saturday, September 29, 2012



    Hebe was the daughter of Zeus and Hera. She was the goddess of youth and forgivness. Her duty was to be the cup-bearer for the gods. She would fill their cups with Nectar and Ambrosia. Nectar is a sugar-rich liquid from plants. Ambrosia is a greek god food that could give immortality to the consumer. Another one of her duties was to feed Zeus' pet eagle which she is shown offering a drink to in most photo's. Young  Trojan prince Ganymede became her successor and presumed the role as cup-bearer when she married her half-brother Hercules. Also she would draw bathes for her brother Ares, the god of war and help Hera into her chariet.  Hebe and Hercules had two children Alexiares and Anicetus. When Hercules' life as mortal ended and he became a god, Hebe showed him all the wonders of Olympus.

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